Annual General Meeting 2021



Dear NAA Member,

Ngee Ann Alumni Annual General Meeting 2021


This notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Ngee Ann Alumni (“NAA”) with the details as follows:


Date: Saturday, 18 Dec 2021, via *Zoom   

Time:   3.00 pm – Commencement of AGM


*Notes: Due to the current Covid 19 situation and the safe distancing measures in Singapore, the Annual General Meeting is being convened, and will be held on electronic platform. 


To help us facilitate this important event, we would be most grateful to receive your reply by email to before 06 Dec 2021 to indicate your attendance. Thereafter, the meeting link will be emailed to you.


The agenda on that day shall be as follows:


  1. Minutes confirmation of the last Annual General Meeting held on 28 July 2019
  2. Clubhouse update
  3. Membership status update
  4. To receive and, if approved, pass the Financial Report for 2019 and 2020 
  5. Propose Resolution for Discussion  
  6. Election of new General Committee for 2021/2023
  7. Any other business 


The enclosed attached form is the Proposal of Resolution for Discussion and the Committees Nomination form. You may email the completed form to before 06 Dec 2021

Please note that any defaulting member whose account has outstanding balance will not be entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. 


Please feel free to contact the Clubhouse Executives at 6468 0060 should you have any queries.


We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.


Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Daryl Tan Kiok Wei

Honorary Secretary

NAA General Committee 2019/2021